This one's a given, it's best to add your name so people know what to call you
Similar to your name for some, incredibly different to others, your username will help people find your accounts on other platforms
This one is one people tend to be more mixed in their opinions on, especially if someone's a minor. Some people prefer not to, but others like to add their age or general age range to find people around their own age to interact with. an age range could be as broad as "+18" or as specific as "18-23"
Yet another simple one, helps people know how to address you
Having a list of things you like to do or enjoy can help you find people who share similar interests or hobbies. It can intrigue your viewers to see what you like to do in your free time, especially if they relate. It helps build a connection between you and whoever looks at your site, and can be useful in finding friends
Many people add Do Not Interact and/or Before You Interact lists to their sites. These are essentially boundaries for the type of content or people you don't want interacting with your page, or some things about you that others might not want to interact with, like warnings